
Water Distribution Operator: Introduction
36-hour certification course

This course is for persons new or not yet certified as a water utility operator. This interactive course includes a textbook, workbook, ten classroom sessions four hours long and weekly homework. The course typically requires a schedule of at least ten weeks. Students gain a basic understanding of public health safety and drinking water, rules and basic operations of water distribution system.

Water Distribution Operator: Intermediate
36-hour certification course

This course is for water utility staff wishing to advance in the industry. This interactive course includes a textbook, workbook, ten classroom sessions four hours long and weekly homework. The course typically requires a schedule of at least ten weeks. An introduction to distribution course is a prerequisite to take this course. Students gain an intermediate understanding of public health safety and drinking water, rules regulating drinking water systems and advanced distribution operations. Math procedures include chemical dosing and electrical power cost.

Water Distribution Operator: Advanced
36-hour certification course

This course is for water utility staff wishing to go on to the highest level of certification. This interactive course includes a textbook, multiple reference books, ten classroom sessions four hours long and weekly homework. The course typically requires a schedule of at least ten weeks. An intermediate distribution course is a prerequisite to take this course. This course focuses on managing a medium sized water utility which includes understanding of public health safety and drinking water, rules regulating drinking water systems, rules regulating worker safety, records keeping and emergency response. This course requires each student to prepare a project to be presented in class.

Water Treatment Operator: Introduction
36-hour certification course

This course is for persons new or not yet certified as a water utility operator. This interactive course includes a textbook, workbook, ten classroom sessions four hours long and weekly homework. The course typically requires a schedule of at least ten weeks. Students gain a basic understanding of public health safety and drinking water, rules regulating drinking water treatment, an introduction to the five approved treatment methods, operation of water treatment plants, water wells and wellhead treatment methods. Math will include simple flow, pressure, volume, surface area and chemical dosing calculations.

Water Treatment Operator: Intermediate
36-hour certification course

This course is for persons wishing to advance their career in the water industry. This interactive course includes a textbook, workbook, ten classroom sessions four hours long and weekly homework. The course typically requires a schedule of at least ten weeks. An introduction treatment course is a prerequisite to take this course. Students gain an intermediate understanding of public health safety and drinking water, rules regulating drinking water systems, intermediate operations of water treatment methods, water wells and wellhead treatment methods. Math will include flow, pressure, volume, surface area and chemical dosing calculations.

Pump Fundamentals
36-hour certification course

This course is designed for those who design, operate or repair pumps used in the water utility industry. The course includes a textbook, presentation, quizzes and case study examples to explain the fundamentals of how pumps work, how to select the correct pump for the application and how to troubleshoot common pump failures. The course uses actual pump cutaways and hands on training examples.

Well Operation
8-hour certification course

This course is designed for water utility operators and regulators working with groundwater wells. The course is rich with presentation visuals of how wells are designed, installed and operated. These topics are presented with an emphasis on how to avoid common errors in all three topics. Evaluation of well performance and well maintenance with troubleshooting common issues are included. This course is designed to save the water well operator money and improve reliability of a groundwater supply from a practical standpoint.

Pump Operation
8-hour certification course

This course is designed for water utility operators and repair staff to better understand the types of pumps, how they work and how to keep them working.

Distribution Flushing Workshop
8-hour course. (4 hours class room, 4 field)

This course is for both water utility operators and water utility operations supervisors to develop a safe and effective flushing procedure for a water utility. Why flush? How to flush. How frequently, how long, and when to flush. How much will a flushing program cost and how much money will it save the utility are all topics covered. This course is often tailored for a specific utility.

Math for Water Operators
4 to 24 hours, typically in 4 hour blocks

Using our inhouse math workbooks, we bring water utility staff up to speed in math. This course has been used by San Francisco Water Department with excellent results. The course is content based, so students of all levels can benefit. Addition, subtraction, multiplication and division are taught using problems which include: flow, pressure, volume, velocity, hp, energy costs and 4-20 ma instrument math.

Water Quality Sampling
4-hour course

This course is designed to fulfill regulatory training requirements for persons collecting water samples. students learn to work with actual water testing and sample collection apparatus. Class size is limited to 15 students.

Electricity for Water Operators
8-hour course. 4 hour classroom + 4 hour lab

This course is for water treatment and distribution operators and explains the types of electricity, how it is used and a basic understanding of what issues to be attentive to in the process of operating a water system.

Motors and Pumps
3 Semester-Credit-hour course (45 hours)

This course is for water treatment and distribution operators and repair technicians. The course covers basic motor design, operation, maintenance and troubleshooting; the second half of the course is basic pump design, operation, maintenance and troubleshooting. Two textbooks and numerous hands on training aids are used.

Electricity for Water Utility Operators
3 Semester-Credit-hour course (45 hours)

This class prepares water utility operators to be versed in electrical power, control and monitoring systems used in water utility operation. There is extensive hands on use of typical electrical test equipment, circuit fundamentals and system troubleshooting.

Valves for Water Operators
4-hour course

This course is designed for both distribution and treatment operators and new to the field engineering staff to learn the types of valves, operation and troubleshooting.

Pipe Materials for Water Operators
4-hour course

This course is designed for distribution operators and new to the field engineering staff to learn the types of pipes, installation, disinfection, operation and troubleshooting.

Water Treatment for Water Operators
8-hour course

This course is for Distribution operators and utility staff who want learn the basic fundamentals of water treatment. Both wellhead and surface water treatment methods are introduced.

Safe Water Fundamentals
4-hour course

Designed for all staff working at a water utility, this course teaches the fundamentals of drinking water health risks and the protocol used by water utilities to keep the public safe.

Drinking Water Rules and Regulations
4-hour course

This course is ideal for water utility supervisors and managers. This course uses the three hundred page state rule book as a text book to familiarize water utility staff with the rules and regulations governing drinking water utility operation as related to water (this course does not cover administrative rules like worker safety, record keeping etc.)

Water Storage Tanks
4-hour course

Designed for treatment operators, distribution operators and water utility staff who operate, maintain and repair water storage tanks. Basic explanation of the types of tanks, how they should be operated and maintained. Tank inspection and repair basics are included as is the oversight of contractor repairs.

Reverse Osmosis Treatment
8-hour course

This course is designed for water utility staff to learn more about the theory, application and features of membrane water treatment.

State Exam Review
8 & 4-hour courses

This course is specifically tailored for persons planning to take an operator certification exam and want a fast moving one day review. While not a substitute for a 36 hour course, this course will refresh students prior to taking a certification exam. The review touches on the material presented in the full 36 hour courses but just as a refresher. Typically scheduled the month prior to the exam. Students should have recently read the appropriate textbook prior to class.